Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Day 3:  Berlin to Bonn and Bonn to Klagenfurt, Austria

There are mountains to the south and west of this town.  The Alps.  Die Alpen!  As it is not every day that I see mountains, this gets me excited!

I walked about ten minutes west of my hostel, and I came to a lake and beyond the lake, gently rising into to the sky were the forested foothills of the Alps.  I took some pictures and in some of those pictures there are dogs faithfully retrieving tennis balls thrown into the lake by their owners.  It paints a nice picture.  And I'd upload those pictures if it weren't for leaving my camera cord back home.  Patience readers, photos will be in sight soon enough (too soon).

On my way back, I saw a little girl with a mullet.  Oh, Europe.

Apparently I bring the good weather with me as it has been gorgeous not only in London, but now in Berlin and Austria.  I suppose that makes up for the first three weeks in Ireland where it only didn't rain at least a little bit for three of those days.  Tomorrow I plan on doing a little hiking, a little nature-frolicking, with the assistance of a kind tour guide.

If your math is as good as mine, and it probably isn't, that's four flights in three days.  What this means is that I finally get a chance to sit and relax and actually enjoy a destination.  I love the adventure of traveling, of the airport grind (the airport bars), and the challenge of trying to get somewhere in a huge city on each city's own version of public transportation, but I also enjoy sitting in one place for a little while to get to know it.  I have a hunch Klagenfurt will be a nice little place to do just that, a nice little place to spend the last days of my freedom before I start my whirlwind journey back to somewhere where I'd rather not be.

For now, though, I've got a little of this:

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