Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Deutschland Uber Alles

Pardon any slurred words or irritating typos because this is serious.  One euro fifty for beer.  Self service.  On the honor system.

Day 2:  Dublin to Berlin

I rised and shined before the sun did, departing Dublin for a third time (a fourth is scheduled).  As the plane was taxiing, the sun peaked its head above the horizon.  I closed my eyes and woke up in Deutschland.

In case you were wondering, my great-grandfather Otto Scheive was from Germany, so I am still getting in touch with my roots over here, one euro fifty at a time.

My nap sadly took up most of the afternoon.  It was much needed, but it cut into my daylight sightseeing. Saw the Brandenberg Gate, das Reichstag, und Alexanderplatz where I overpaid for ein nicht so gutes bier.

Two more flights tomorrow.  Where do I end up?  Tune in to find out!

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